Getfeedback 360 feedback survey report
A 360 feedback survey is only the beginning of any development process. What you do with the results of the survey is where you will make change happen and bring about improvements in individual and company performance.
In order to create the most effective development plans it is vital that the results of the 360 degree feedback survey are presented clearly, concisely, and in a way that it is easy for an individual to understand where their strengths lie and where they should focus their development to get maximum results.
Getfeedback’s reports are designed to do just this. More than simply spitting out a heap of graphs and numbers on an individual, our reports introduce the 360 process, explain the purpose and guide individuals to think about their results and how they should use the information to begin their development journey. Our reports are also designed to be used as a development workbook which can be referred to throughout the year rather than just being read once and then put in the drawer never to see the light of day again.
Our standard reports are structured in the following ways:
This provides the individual with an introduction to 360 feedback, helping them to understand the purpose of the survey and how it can be used as part of a development process. The introduction also introduces the framework on which the survey has been developed – in the case of our off the shelf surveys the Schroder Framework of High Performance. This begins to build awareness of the competency framework and help the individuals understand the behaviours and what high performance looks like. For bespoke surveys our introduction text can be tailored to match your requirements and competency framework.
Section 1: Using the report
The next section directs the individual in how they should approach the report and the data within it. It also provides a breakdown of respondents per rater group so that the individual can see who has provided feedback*. An explanation of the rating scale is also included before a more detailed set of guidelines for how to read the report and use the data. As with the introduction these guidelines can be tailored in our bespoke reports to make them appropriate to your organisation.
*Please note that confidentiality of responses is an important part of our 360 feedback process. Only manger responses will be reported individually on the report. All other responses will responses will be reported together, and if there are two or less respondents in a group they will be combined with another group to preserve anonymity.
Section 2: Overview
This section of the report provides the individual with a first look at their data. The overview section provides top level data comparing the individual’s self score to the overall average score provided by their nominees for each behaviour/competency. This data is also plotted on a Johari window to show very easily where an individual’s strengths, hidden strengths, known developments areas and any potential blind spots have been revealed by the data. The 10 highest and lowest scoring questions from the survey are also included. The individual is also prompted to think about the data at this point and what it means to them – were these as expected or were there some surprises?
Section 3: Detail
This sections breaks down each competency giving an overall score for the competency by rater group along with the breakdown of responses for each question. This allows the individual to dig into the results and gain a deeper understanding of how they are using the behaviour and explore any differences they may be seeing between rater groups.
Section 4: Verbatim comments
Our surveys include free text questions as standard allowing people to add their thoughts about the individual and what they do well, and how they could perhaps change their behaviour to be more successful. This section provides those comments grouped by respondent category as they were written. This gives the individual greater insight into the impact of their behaviours.
Section 5: Development planning
Once the individual has reviewed their data the final section of the report asks the individual to think about what this means to them and decide on an action plan for how they are going to use what they have learnt to create a development plan. The report provides guidance on how to set SMART objectives and a worksheet to help them put in place a plan as to how they will achieve them. This section can be tailored in our bespoke reports to align with the development processes of the organisation.
As well as our standard report we have a range of additional options that can be included as part of a bespoke report. These include:
Full company branding
For bespoke surveys we will fully brand the report both the survey and your report with company logo and colour scheme to ensure that the individual receives a fully integrated experience.
Spider plots for overview data
In addition to or as an alternative to the bar graphs provided in the overview section of our standard reports we provide spider plots to for the comparison of the top level data for each competency. These provide a different way of viewing the data and allow you to compare all competencies on a single graph and easily identify strengths and development areas.
Previous survey comparison data
Personal development should be a continuous process and a follow up or annual 360 survey is a great way to measure the success of the changes you have made since the previous survey. In order to make comparing the data easy we can include the previous survey data in the report to allow for instant comparison of past present data.
Benchmark comparisons
Getfeedback have been running 360 feedback surveys for over 10 years and as a result have built up a substantial database of data. Our experience can be included in your reports in the form of a benchmark comparison section. Whether you are assessing against the Schroder Framework of High performance or your own frame work, we can link your behaviours/questions to our database to allow your individuals to not only compare how the people they work with have rated their behaviours, but also compare themselves against the general population to develop a deeper understanding of their ability.
To find out more about our 360 degree feedback reports call us on 03330 902 580 or email us at info@getfeedback.net.